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​Early Childhood Care & Education


Early Childhood Care & Education

ECCE is very crucial and has continuous impact on the child's wholistic development. 
Strong roots create  strong foundation.
At Little Chalks we believe that a child's cognitive development and learning ability depends largely on their social interactions which is influenced by Russian psycologist Vygotskye sociocultural theory.


When we continuosly work with our children's  elementary functions of Attention, sensation, Perception and memory stringe well in our curriculum the results are wonderful.


The Education approaches that are well researched and the team is trained to observe and develop the every child's inner strength of happiness, love and laughter.

Class Hours

Play Group - 2.5 hrs
Nursery - 3 hrs
LKG - 4 hrs
UKG - 4 hrs





Playgroup - 20 months and above
Nursery - 3years and above
LKG - 4 years and above
UKG - 5 years and above
Mother Toddler - 8months - 20 months
Daycare - 20 months - 14



Age Criteria

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